目的:ネットワーク推論とin slicoの遺伝子摂動によるCell identityの解明
in slicoの遺伝子摂動は、
1. 細胞型または細胞状態に特異的なGRN構成する(マルチオミクスデータを用いたクラスタごとの正則化線形回帰モデルを利用)
2. 作成したGRNモデルを利用して、TF撹乱に応じた標的遺伝子発現のシフトを計算する。(遺伝子発現の絶対値ではなく、遺伝子発現のシフトを伝播する関数としてGRNモデルを利用)
3. cell-identityの遷移(おそらく細胞の異形成みたいなもの)確率を、2で計算して得られたシフトと近傍の遺伝子発現と比較することで、推定する。
4. 遷移確率は加重局所平均ベクトルに変換されて、転写因子(TF)の摂動に伴う各細胞の細胞状態遷移の方向性をシュミレートして表す。
Code Availability:
noto: notochordの制御因子
axial mesoderm:軸索中胚葉
TSS database:http://homer.ucsd.edu/
Creation Date: April 12, 2024
About CellOracle
Purpose:Elucidation of Cell identity by network inference and in slico genetic perturbation
Model changes in identity rather than predicting absolute changes in gene expression levels.
Research Contents:
In silico perturbation of transcription factors using gene regulatory networks inferred from single-cell multi-omics data and simulate the resulting changes in cell identity using only unperturbed wild-type data.
The genetic perturbation of in slico is,
1. Construct cell type- or cell state-specific GRNs (using regularized linear regression models for each cluster using multi-omics data)
2. Using the GRN model created, calculate the shift in target gene expression in response to TF disturbance. (Use the GRN model as a function to propagate shifts in gene expression, rather than absolute values of gene expression)
3. Estimate the transition (perhaps something like cell dysplasia) probability of cell-identity by comparing the shift calculated in 2 with the gene expression in the neighborhood.
4. Transition probabilities are converted to weighted local mean vectors to simulate and represent the directionality of cell state transitions in each cell upon perturbation of the transcription factor (TF).
Finally, the multidimensional gene expression shift vector is dimensionally reduced to a two-dimensional vector to make it more robust against noise.
It is simulated through these stage.
CellOracle was also used to identify TFs required for axonemal mesoderm culture.
Novelty/Inventive Steps:
Simulation of zebrafish TF knockout by CellOracle predicted increased chordochord differentiation. →Continued expression of noto is not required for notochord differentiation.
What's on my mind
I liked the fact that they actually simulated the knockout of zebrafish TFs and validated the results with wet experiments.
Code Availability:
・Implementation Considerations for Markov Chain Simulation
Words:Gene perturbation is generally a disturbance, a change. In this case, it is an artificial change in the amount or activity of the enzyme responsible for the reaction. Or, even if it is not artificial, it is an action corresponding to a change in the amount or activity of the enzyme responsible for the reaction.
notochord:Flexible rod-like tissue that forms the body brace of the lowest chordates and lowest vertebrates, plus higher vertebrate fetuses.
noto: notochord control factors
axial mesoderm:軸索中胚葉
TSS database:http://homer.ucsd.edu/